Chambers of legal professionals specializing in Multi-jurisdictional Judgment Enforcement, Collections and Education of same under a Swiss-verein style association. Each professional operates independently.

Affiliate Locations

Our team consists of highly qualified and motivated professionals, located throughout the world, who are all experts in their field. With many years of experience in the industry, they have the expertise to provide comprehensive, first-rate services to our clients. For security reasons, all meetings are by appointment only. Please direct all enquiries to our Hong Kong Clerk's office.

我们的团队由遍布全球的高素质,积极进取的专业人员组成,他们都是各自领域的专家。 凭借多年的行业经验,他们具有为客户提供全面,一流服务的专业知识。 出于安全原因,所有会议仅需预约。 请直接将所有查询发送到我们的香港文员办公室。

Hong Kong
Chambers and Clerks Office

Hong Kong

Located on Queen's Road in the Central District of Hong Kong Island, with upper floor stunning views of Victoria Harbour, our Chambers and Clerk's office manages and provides support for our affiliates throughout the globe. For security reasons, in person visits are by appointment only.

London, U.K.
Affiliate Support Location

London, U.K.

Our London, U.K. location is within walking distance of the Royal Courts on The Strand and provides support for our professionals. Enquiries should be directed to the Hong Kong Clerk's Office.

Affiliate Support Location

Zurich, Switzerland

In the heart of the Financial District, our location on Bahnhoffstrasse allows our local professionals to easily meet with world financial industry executives to successfully execute judgments and levy upon accounts. Enquiries should be directed to the Hong Kong Clerk's Office.

Affiliate Support Location

The Hague, Netherlands

Located within minutes from the International Courts in The Hague, our EU office provides support to our professionals that are located nearby, or a short Thalys ride away in either Amsterdam or the suburbs of Paris. All enquiries should be directed to the Hong Kong Clerk's Office.

Affiliate Support Location

Western United States & British Columbia, Canada

From our location in California's Silicon Valley, we are able to support our professionals located in the Western United States and Western Canada. All enquiries should be directed to the Hong Kong Clerk's Office.

Affiliate Support Location

Eastern U. S., Canada and Latin America

Our location in Boston's downtown supports our professionals located in the Eastern United States and Canada and assists to facilitate our efforts in Latin America. All enquiries should be directed to the Hong Kong Clerk's Office.

Key Facts




Global Locations

3 Principals & 18 Associates


Over 5000


Need advice?

Limited Direct Instruction

Under the Professional Rules of the Bar Association of Hong Kong, and most other jurisdictions in which our professionals operate, unless you meet certain special exemptions, we cannot be engaged directly. You must contact a Solicitor registered with the Law Society of Hong Kong, the Solicitors Registration Authority of England and Wales, the Schweizerischer Anwaltsverband (Switzerland), or a member of any State Bar of the United States or Provincial Law Society of Canada.

根据香港大律师公会的《专业规则》以及我们的专业人士所经营的大多数其他司法管辖区,除非您获得某些特殊豁免,否则我们无法直接参与。 您必须联系在香港律师会注册的律师,英格兰和威尔士的律师注册局,Schweizerischer Anwaltsverband(瑞士)或美国任何州律师协会或加拿大省律师协会的会员。


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